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Indian Creek, with Jenn and Jeremy, 3-4 Nov.

Jenn and Jeremy met up with me in Moab after the AMGA annual meeting and we got in two great days of crack climbing in Indian Creek. They spent the summer living, climbing and working (remotely via internet) in Chamonix where we hung out a lot together.  After this trip, her first time to Indian Creek, Jenn told […]

AMGA Annual Meeting, Moab Rock, Clinics, WFR recert, TC meeting, IP meeting and more.

October was spent in the US with the last part of the month in Moab. It was fun to get back to a town I had spent so much time in years ago. One reflection was that there are sure a lot more motels and mountain bikes now then when I first worked here. I spent some […]

Yosemite with Rich Davis, 20-23 October 2009

Rich was able to come up from LA for  the last of the perfect autumn weather. We even got to climb at Tuolumne on one of the last days before the pass was closed.

Yosemite, Slack Lines and Smokey the Bear, 10-18 Ocotober 2009, with Paul Petzl, Gerard and Martine Vionnet

Just finished up a great trip with Paul Petzl and his friends Gerard and Martine from Annecy. We got up some nice routes including Nutcracker, Central Pillar of Frezy, Bishop’s Terrace and West Country(in Tuolumne). Besides climbing, on rest/rain days we slacklined in Camp 4, visited Glacier Point, and ate way too much at the […]

Polartec Visit, October 1-3, Boston, MA, USA

Polartec has always been a company dear to my heart and my body in the mountains. I have always searched out more breathable softshells for my efforts in the Alps. So when I was invited to be a member of their Advisory Board, I didn’t hesitate. The advisory board consists of eleven world class endurance […]